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Guangdong Huate Gas Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Huate Gas Co., Ltd. is a national gas manufacturer committed to the localizationof specialty gases and breaking the constraints of gas materials in high-end fields such asvery large-scale integrated circuits and new display panels, supplemented by generalindustrial gases and related gas equipment and engineering business, to provide one-stopintegrated gas application solutions.

After nearly 20 years of development, the company's technology accumulation has becomeincreasingly profound. It has obtained 87 authorized patents, participated in the formulationof 28 national standards, and undertaken the "R&D and development of high-purityTrifluoromethane" in the National Major Science and Technology Project (02 Special Project)."Pilot Test" project, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education'sindustry-university-research project "Development and application of fluorocarbon seriesgas products for semiconductor materials", Guangdong Province's strategic emergingindustry regional cluster development pilot project "Special gases for flat panel displays" andother key scientific research. It was selected as one of the "Top Ten Electronic ChemicalMaterials Professionals in China" in 2017, the only gas company who get this reward.

10 +
50 +
Footprints in 50+ Countries and Regions
200 +
200+ products

With the continuous improvement of the purity, precision and stability of the company's products and the deepening of market development, the products have been widely recognized by well-known customers in the market, and have achieved more than 80% customer coverage for domestic manufacturers of integrated circuits above 8 inches. SMIC, Huahong Grace, Yangtze Memory, XMC, China Resources Microelectronics, TSMC (China), Hejian Technology, Silan Microelectronics, Royole Technology, BOE etc. and It has entered the supply chain system of the world's leading semiconductor companies such as Intel, Micron, Texas Instruments (TI), and Hynix.

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