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    • 01One small step for us and one big step for the world
    • 02Leader in the gas industry
    • 03Integrated solution for gas application

    Guangdong Huate Gas

    Professional Gas R&D and Application Service Provider

    Guangdong Huate Gas Co., Ltd. is located in Nanhai District, Foshan City, the hinterland of the Pearl River Delta. It was established in 1999. The company takes Foshan, Guangdong as its product research and development base, and has established more than ten wholly-owned subsidiary companies in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Hong Kong and other places. Now it has become one of the largest private specialty gas and related equipment suppliers in China, and the products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions.

    • 10+

    • 50+

      Footprints in 50+ Countries and Regions
    • 200+

      200+ products
    Learn more

    Metalworking and manufacturing

    Industrial gases are widely used in the forming and protection of manufacturing industry to achieve specific production requirements and purposes. It is widely used in metallurgy, steel, electronics, glass, building materials, construction, machinery and other basic industries of the national economy, and plays a strategic leading role in the development of the national economy.

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    Medical treatment and scientific research

    As the detection and comparison medium, oxygen, nitrogen, helium and laser mixtures are used in various medical equipment; All kinds of high-tech research and testing are inseparable from industrial gases, such as: Meteorological chromatograph, mass spectrometer, atomic absorption, etc; As a means of treatment, sterilization, treatment and inspection, industrial gases are more and more widely used in the manufacturing industry of medical devices and instruments.

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    Food and transportation

    Industrial gases are widely used in the forming and protection of manufacturing industry to achieve specific production requirements and purposes. It is widely used in metallurgy, steel, electronics, glass, building materials, construction, machinery and other basic industries of the national economy, and plays a strategic leading role in the development of the national economy.

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    petrochemical industry

    Industrial gases are widely used in the forming and protection of manufacturing industry to achieve specific production requirements and purposes. It is widely used in metallurgy, steel, electronics, glass, building materials, construction, machinery and other basic industries of the national economy, and plays a strategic leading role in the development of the national economy.

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    Laboratories and Universities

    Industrial gases are widely used in the forming and protection of manufacturing industry to achieve specific production requirements and purposes. It is widely used in metallurgy, steel, electronics, glass, building materials, construction, machinery and other basic industries of the national economy, and plays a strategic leading role in the development of the national economy.

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    Optoelectronics and energy

    Industrial gases are widely used in the forming and protection of manufacturing industry to achieve specific production requirements and purposes. It is widely used in metallurgy, steel, electronics, glass, building materials, construction, machinery and other basic industries of the national economy, and plays a strategic leading role in the development of the national economy.

    Learn more
    • Metalworking and manufacturing
    • Medical treatment and scientific research
    • Food and transportation
    • petrochemical industry
    • Laboratories and Universities
    • Optoelectronics and energy


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    Social Responsibility

    Ensure the safety of personnel and devices, and provide the best platform for employee development; The pursuit of excellence, derived from specialty, promotes competition for China's gas industry; Focus on environmental issues and create maximum value for customers and society.

    Sustainable Development

    A small step for us, a big step for the world! Huate gas is constantly thinking about how to reduce its impact on the environment through itself and make meaningful changes for our customers, our next generation and our planet.

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